
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6 Things You Should Have for Colonoscopy Prep Day

In my last post I said I would make a list of things that I think are pretty important before having a colonoscopy done. I know some of the items might seem like common sense, but when you aren't feeling good and/or have to travel and stay at a hotel the day before the procedure, things might be forgotten (I know that from experience). So hopefully this will help and make someone else's experience a bit more bearable.

1. Soft toilet paper~ Especially if you are planning to stay at a hotel or if your family leans towards the stronger TP, have soft toilet paper handy. Most hotels have toilet paper that has the same softness as sandpaper. To save your poor bottom from being sanded down like a piece of 2x4; purchase 2-3 rolls of that pillow like TP. You'll be very happy that you me. 

2. Preparation H Wipes/ Cream or Tucks Spray~ Even if you have the soft TP, your derriere with be quite raw from all of the cleaning your colon will experience. It might burn at first, when you use the wipes or spray, but after a few minutes it will cool the area down and make it easier to sit down.

3. Large container to mix medication with fluids~ The prep that I had to do consisted of taking two Dulcolax pills and three hour later taking a 238g bottle of Miralax and splitting it into two 32oz bottles of Powerade (No red dye is allowed). It was much easier pouring the Powerade and Miralax into a 64oz container and shaking until the Miralax was dissolved, instead of hoping the powder won't make the Powerade overflow.

4. Measuring cup that clearly indicates 8oz~ Instead of just guessing about how much 8oz is, it helps to be able to clearly measure an exact amount.  When you start the second Powerade you'll be so tired that your main thought will be one thing; "Please, let the Hulk come out of no where and SMASH this container so I don't have to drink it", not  "When I measured 8 oz before it was about right here."

5. Something to entertain yourself in the loo~Whether its a book, tablet, phone or gaming device, keep something in the bathroom within reaching distance of the porcelain throne. You'll be spending a lot of time in there and it will help to try and keep your mind occupied on something else other than what you are experiencing.

6. Last, but not least...air freshner~ I don't think I have to really explain why... but since not many people carry gas masks, it'll help both you and anyone else that might have to use the bathroom breath a little easier.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Crazy Week

I know I haven't written anything in a week...YIKES! And after I promised I was going to be better about posting (shakes head in shame). The reason I was MIA was because last Monday I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Because of having dumping syndrome plus having to do a colon cleaning, my sugar dropped pretty low. Knowing that it was a possibility that my sugar would drop, my parents and I drove up to Boston on Sunday. We stayed at a hotel that was about 2 minutes away from BWH, which ended up being a God send. Around 2:30 pm we arrived at the hotel and around 3:00 pm I had to start the cleaning medication.

It wasn't an easy time, I couldn't get enough into my system to help boost my sugar level. I had originally brought my computer so I could write blog posts about my experience and maybe help someone having it done for the first time. I went to write my first post and an hour later it was a tiny little paragraph of words that made no sense. At that point I closed my computer, grabbed a pillow and curled up into a little ball while watching The Big Bang Theory.

For the most part my body seemed to get a schedule down. I would in the bathroom for about 2 hours straight come out for about 10 minutes and be back in the bathroom for ANOTHER 2 hours. I was only able to sleep for about an hour, thank goodness for my iPod. I watched almost every Marvel Comic superhero movie known. By the time we were heading to the hospital I was tired, low on sugar, and fairly irritable. When my doctor came in they knocked me out with some anesthesia and preformed the procedure.

The procedure, the ride home (my dad was trying to beat Red Sox traffic, so we didn't get to stop like we normally do to help my motion sickness), plus my chronic illness made me very sick for the entire week. The first day I was actually able to eat something and not dry heave afterwards was on Friday. Thank goodness for my IV infusions, they were able to get me some hydration.

So here I am, a week later and at least getting my feet a little more under me than last week. My next post I'm planning on making a list of things that are very important to have when going through the cleaning prep for a colonoscopy. Some I didn't realize until it was a little too late.

For now, enjoy the day my readers!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Boston Trips and UTI's

So I haven't written in a while and I'll explain for those few who may be reading my blog. I have an upcoming double test in Boston (endoscopy/colonoscopy) to be safe that there isn't anything else that could be adding to my chronic illness. Because I tend to fight back without meaning to when I have procedures like these done, they have to give me anesthesia. Therefore, last Thursday was a road trip with my dad up to Boston to speak with the anesthesiologist. For most people, that drive takes one and a half to two hours. For us, with needing to constantly stop for bathroom breaks, and traffic we tend to leave about 4-5 hours before any appointment at Bringham and Women's Hospital. The appointment (which was shorter than the actual wait to see someone) went very smoothly and I'm all set for April 8th.

Friday I ended up going to the doctor's right around where I lived because I had noticed on my trip Thursday I was developing a UTI. The one thing that really sucks is that I can't take antibiotics orally. So Friday morning, I went into my doctor's office and had to get two antibiotic shots in my butt. Now anyone who has ever had an antibiotic shot knows that it feels like their injecting really thick molasses into you. Its painful and can leave a decent bruise. Most of the day Friday, I couldn't sit comfortably in any chair, which made it a very long day.

I'm planning from now on that I will be much more diligent in writing my posts, this whole thing is still a bit new to me. Now, I plan on making my lists for everything I need to make sure I bring everything with me Sunday to the hotel in Boston.