One of my favorite things to do is go to the movies, especially as of late. It's a nice way to get out of the house, but still be fairly safe since all your doing is sitting for a couple of hours to enjoy a cinematic adventure. One thing that stinks is if you have food allergies there aren't many snack options. Now I know, that there are normally signs that say, "No Outside Food or Beverage Allowed". But when you can't eat anything from the movie snack bar and you want something to nibble on while enjoying your feature film you might need to get *ahem* creative.
While the options (even for those of us with allergies) are numerous, here are five suggestions that I think make great movie snacks for either at home or in the theater:
1) Hot Air Popcorn: The main problem with movie popcorn is brought already popped and "seasoned". When you don't know where food is manufactured its not worth the risk eating it. To be safe, pop your own at home and jazz it up anyway you like. There's nothing like sticking by the old standby; when you think movie, you think popcorn!
2) Chips: Both of these options can be found meeting any type of allergy requirements. The options are endless now-a-days, from vegetable chips to lentil chips to regular potato chips. Whats nice is it gives your the crunch your looking for if you don't have the option of eating popcorn.
3) Nuts: If you aren't allergic to them, nuts can be a great snack at the movie theater. From peanuts to pistachios they're a healthy snack that will allow you to get some protein while watching your movie. On a side note, I find that if you have a stomach problem, take it easy on how many nuts you eat at once. It can cause some serious stomach distress...not something you want happening during the flick.
4) Allergy Safe Candy: If there is a type of candy that you like to eat (mine is Surf Sweets Gummy Bears, they're freaking delicious!) grab a pack and bring it with you. Trust me, it'll be so worth it if you have a sweet tooth.
5) Vegetables: If your feeling like changing it up and going really healthy, fresh vegetables can make a great snack. Especially for parents who might not want their kids experiencing a sugar high during or after the movie.
So those are my movie theater snack suggestions. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to leave a comment and I will definitely add them to my list. For now, I'm going to turn off my computer, grab a snack and enjoy some Iron Man!
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