Chronic dumping syndrome...not a fun problem to have at all. It's embarrassing, frustrating and tiring to have. In my case, its on the more severe side. No medication has helped and the next avenue is surgery. It's been incredibly frustrating and the latest addition to this mix, a feeding tube, has had me hyperventilating multiple times. (Little brown paper bag, you are my friend)
I am so not a fan of this. It took me two months just to wrap my head around getting a port placed in my chest, and thats under the skin. This thing will be seen coming out from beneath my skin! And it might be a permanent fixture! (Cue freak out... OMG, WTF!)
This Friday we meet with my doctor to finalize most of this and set a final date for next month. There is only a 10% chance this surgery will help in anyway...but its a chance I have to take. I'm only in my 20's and if I don't do something soon, things will only get worse. If it doesn't help, I'll have to feed myself with that freaking feeding tube till they come up with something better; which could essentially be never, Oy Vey! Getting gamma radiation and turning into a giant green rage monster keeps looking like a better option with every turn!
So here I go, somewhat ready to face this next steps head on (with my trusty brown paper bag of course). Wish me luck people!